The first Heldintasche was made in about 2001.
What does it mean ?
Heldin = Female hero
Tasche = bag or pocket, the word is the same in German.
It is a big wearable pocket.
It is a mixture of a garment and a bag. It is shaped to fit into the curve of the waist and it is a hunting and gathering detachable pocket.
The large outer pocket is for a newspaper; a bottle of water and/or the harvest. It is open- that is how it is.
There is an inside pocket that zips shut for valuables;and a sneaky one piece phone pocket.
These illustrations have been lifted from the instructions.
The phone pocket is quick and easy. I have made these and sewn them onto other garments because they are so useful.
There are those who will want to find a way to close the outer pocket. Some have used magnets or buttons.This is allowed of course- just because I don't like the idea doesn't mean you can´t do it. This style is customizable. If you want a pocket for a pen or d-ring for your keys; make it -sew it on- It will be worth it when you realize everything is where you need it to be.
The strap is one long piece secured with a sliding buckle.
It also has a buckle that opens and closes. This isn't strictly necessary. Another solution would be to make a closed system with hardware that allows for adjustment. Feel free to do it this way if you can´t find all the bits and pieces you need or just prefer it this way.
Thank you @anakiequilter for the image
I find the open and shutting function useful because I will attach my tasche around a chair if I am out somewhere so that nobody nicks it …
A long strap was also good for the shop because it fit everyone.
This is a fun make. It is suitable for an intermediate maker or an ambitious beginner.
It is tricky if I do say so myself. French seams; run and fell seams; under stitching, bagging- out and a tricky way to attach the strap that is much less annoying than the conventional method. I hope you learn some handy tricks to add to your arsenal.
Is this the place to add tips? This design is scalable- print it out a bit bigger if you would like a larger tasche or smaller for a dainty piece.
It is also possible to leave the outer pocket off for a compact version.
My theme at the time was wearable luggage.
In 2001,I was in a bit of an urban-warrior-Tank girl phase and I wanted to make something different.
Exploring Product design as opposed to clothing design allowed me to develop themes that are still important to me : Pockets; adjustability; movement; and a rejection of the fashion hierarchy and general brainwashing associated with Brands.
I had originally called the “ Tasche”* the ” Pannier Tasche” .This was a reference to the padded hips of French 18th century gowns- the ones worn with white powdered wigs…
This seems a bit ironic now considering my anarchistic tendencies at the time.. however
If you wear 2 “Taschen”, one on the right and one on the left, you can create a princess-like silhouette.
Less romantically, Pannier Tasche is the term for the bags thrown across beasts of burden… and panier with one ` n´ in it is the German word for breadcrumbs..
When my friend Meike** released the Tasche into the German realm she re-named the Panier/Pannier tasche to the evocative “Heldinnentasche” :it means a bag/pocket for heroines**
It is a favourite of Meike´s. She wears it well, so she is on the cover!
Check #heldinnentasche on instagram for inspiration.
There are some wonderful versions in bold prints and even fake fur!

Thank you to @patchangel2018 for the photo
** Meike uses “ good German to name the “ Heldinnentasche” I would explain the Grammar except I have to say that I am not an expert.
When you have made your heldintasche please use the #stokxheldintasche hashtag and tag me @stokxpatterns
Hallo, ich bin auf Ihre Seite durch Meike Rensch-Bergner (Sommerchellenge crafteln Video am 26.06.22) aufmerksam geworden. Gibt es in Ihren Schnitten eine Erklärung sowie die Bezeichnung der Maße in deutsch?
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Carmen Tröger
Hallo nach Berlin,
gibt es ein Schnittmuster für die Square Pants oder wird es eines geben? Auch für Damen (Gr.34)?
Herzliche Gruesse aus Hamburg