Pimping your Zephyr dress ( work in progress)

Pimping your Zephyr dress ( work in progress)

The Zephyr dress

The Zephyr works best in a classic one over one under weave; like gingham, poplin or linen

Then the cloth is stretched along the diagonal it should have at least 25% “Give“. There is no zip* so it needs to be able to stretch around your shoulders when It is pulled on over the head.

It is a deliberately simple shape- just 4 main pattern pieces and optional pockets.

One of the first ideas is to make it even more simple. By removing the sleeves.
The illustrations below show how:

1.to straighten up the top back piece.

2. bind the front and back armhole in one.

3.Use a long bias binding for the back tie;the back;the section where the sleeve would normally be, the front and all they way around to the back tie on the other side.

Sewing the Zephyr dress in knit on the straight grain - It works!

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